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  3. 华人社区6月5日联合抗议太阳报新闻发布会 /


华人社团将于6月5日(星期四)中午1:00 在METRO HALL (55 John St.) 313会议室举行大型中、英文媒体新闻发布会。向《太阳报》提出强烈抗议和要求,同时将根据情况宣布华人社区将对《太阳报》采取的制裁措施。社区各界名人和各级政府要员和议员将出席新闻发布会。请各华人社团和其他人士积极参加。详情如下:



陈丙丁: 全加华人联会执行主席

张明达:大多伦多中华文化中心主席, 华人社区抗SARS联盟总协调人


社区各界人士和各级政府要员和议员将出席新闻发布会。请积极参加。各社团请将参加人数报加拿大中国专业人士协会办公室,TEL. 416-298-7885。

Press Conference Notice

A press conference has been scheduled for Thursday, June 5 to publicly express the Chinese community's upset at the offensive cartoon published in the Toronto Sun of May 28 accompanying the article entitled "SARS is a stubborn, sneaky foe" by Bob MacDonald.

The large-size, coloured cartoon showed skeletons dressed in suits, carrying briefcases and wearing masks bearing the phrase "Made in China" with the caption "Opening new markets for a fresh product."

It's as if thousands of Chinese were rushing out, carrying SARS in their briefcases to infect the world.

Very disturbing image. Yet the Toronto Sun insists it's justified.
Therefore, something must be done to send a strong message to the Sun that we are hurt and angered. And that the way they conduct their business is not acceptable.

Please come and tell your friends to come to the press conference, tell other community groups to send representatives to the conference.
Please call CPAC Office at 416-298-7885 to report your attendance and the number of people from your organization.

Press Conference Details:

Thursday, June 5, at 1 pm
Metro Hall, Room 313
55 John Street, between Front & King Streets

Speakers at the conference include:
Hughes Eng, Chair, Confederation of Toronto Chinese Canadian Organizations
Ping Tan, Executive Co-Chair, National Congress of Chinese Canadians
Ming Tat Cheung, Chairman, Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto and Coordinator of Chinese Community Coalition Concerned about SARS

The conference will be chaired by Andi Shi, Senior Vice President of Chinese Professionals Association of Canada


全加华人联会及其属下的五十多个社团 (陈丙丁,林君), The National Congress of Chinese Canadian

多伦多华人团体联合总会(伍卓生)The Confederation of Toronto Chinese Organizations

加拿大中国专业人士协会 (金龙焕,时安迪)Chinese Professionals Association of Canada (CPAC)

加拿大北京协会 (杨宝凤)Beijing Association of Canada

加拿大湖南同乡会 (李海航, 416-406-1777), The Hunan Fellow Association of Canada

加拿大福建华联 (林金龙,416-885-8386) Fujian Community Association of Canada

加拿大云南同乡会,(李俊,Tel. 416-274-7517)

加拿大四川同乡联谊会 (丁道谦, Tel. 416-493-6792)

安省山东同乡会(Tel. 905- 883-9240)Shandong Association of Ontario

加拿大河南同乡会 (咸生林,416-605-8628)

加拿大梅州同乡会(王炳中,416-498-9129)Meizhou Hakka Society of Canada

多伦多大学中国学生学者联谊会 (谭耕,647-287-5402)University of Toronto Association of Chinese Students and Scholars.

加拿大中国高等院校校友联合会 (钟新生)


安省华人参政会(王炳中,416-498-9129)Chinese Canadian Political Action Committee
世纪政坛网站(www.ChineseAction.com),(周昕, 416-938-2593), Chinese Canadian Political Forum.

青海同乡会(杜蓉,徐长征,何丽萍, 416 292 5226), China Qinghai Backhome Association

加拿大华人商业联合会(陈少民,416-371-9617, 416-920-9617)Canada Chinese Small Business Association.

加拿大陕西同乡会(赵海建,905-884-5143) Shanxi Association of Canada.

湖北同乡会(郭晓芳,416-499-6569) Hubei Association of Canada

加拿大中国学生及专业人士联合会(张树林,416-978-6917 (day),416-703-8686 (night),Federation of Chinese Students and Professionals in Canada。

加拿大新起点联盟 (许志荣 416-8180818) Chinese Alliance for Newcomers to Canada。


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